Friday, January 12, 2007

"The Queen"

I went and watch a movie on the Queen Elizabeth of England recently and found it interesting.

I wondered if the movie was about the queen or more about Dianna, it shown the queen's action towards Dianna's death. What she struggled with and what she did or didn't do. The one scene that I felt signifiant was the scene were the Queen's 4x4 broke down in the river where she saw a beautiful animal and she cried. The scene began with her crying with her back to the carmea. At that moment, the Queen (her highness) seem not so "high" anymore but instead I saw a human being that had just came out of the "shock" stage of some psychologist's stages of grief. She was a human being and I saw myself in her. The parallel that lies between us were how strong we seem to others and how we grew up being taught to keep our emotions to ourselves (Never show any emotions to anyone cos' you do not know who will be your enemies tomorrow). We have left no space for ourselves to grief or to think for ourselves (well, I suppose she has a tougher job than me being the queen compare to being a therapist). But I felt that was me as well, sitting there crying when I (her) after just kept going and going; had finally come to a stand still and the sorrows crawls in through all the gaps in my heart and overflows it with the saddness.

The other scene that I found particular spoke to me was when she met the body of that beautiful animal again when it was shot by someone. For some in the audience, it might have seem to have shown stupidity and stubborness in the Queen (in the fact that she was able to grief more openly for an animal but not Dianna), but for me I saw something else in her, in society and in people the public.

In the queen, I saw everybody in the world. The stupidity is in fact, everybody would do exactly the same as the queen had... Able to feel (or examine) anyone who didnt really matter to you so objectively, but as soon as it comes to someone very very close to yourself (esp. family); somethings get in the way (you dont want to feel sorry anymore or able to be objectively any longer).

Being the Queen must be an unimaginable hard job to have, it may or may not be something you want to do but you have to. There woudl be hard times, good times and times you get suprised. This is so much similar to what I expect to happen in my own life; the same old there will be bad times, good times and times where I get suprised. There will be things in life you dont want to do but have do. What the movie reminded of is, whatever you do or face; do it or face it with a smile!!! Remember how someone out there, really has a tougher job than yourself no matter how glamourous it may have look to you and that even the high up and the important also has their humanity... including the weakness, yup; all of it!