Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I am fed up with interviews for jobs

I just came out of a telephonic interview with a special school. I am fed up with people undermining me cos' i dont really speak afrikaans.

I really think how much they believe in the children can be reflected on how much they would believe in me... esp in line with beethoven, churchill and einstein, as well as natalie du toit and terence parkin who are both local disabled persons who are olympics medalist in swimming.

Beethoven was deaf yet he made the most beautiful music,
Churchill had stuttering problems yet he was and still is one of the most influential politician in the 20th century,
Einstein was dyslexic yet contributed so much advance knowledge for our understanding of maths and science,
Natalie Du Toit, who in spite of having lost one leg; yet still a great swimmer in the olympics and faster than most competitive "normal" swimmers!!!!

it is about focusing on the ability NOT the bloody disability!! Gosh, therapist like us are suppose to take this to heart!! of course we all have strengthes and shortcomings...!! it's about maxmising on strengths and minimizing the effect of our shortcomings!!! Why cant people see it?!?!?!

I am very fed up now cos' they always ask about this... I may be "disabled" in one way, however I am enabled with another skills to overcome and compensate for my shortcomings, I live and cope no matter what...can u see that i am coping working in a place where i dont speak the language, i cope by using family members, staffs, other patients and of course my body/sign language to communicate with my patients and clients...

Sigh~~ when will there be someone who see this? Gosh if I think I was discriminated, I really wonder how people with disabilities are discriminated against... Sigh~~~