Tuesday, December 25, 2012

long long time ago, in the distance not so far away, there's a girl who is a big big dreamer. She often wondered whether she should stop because others would laugh at her. But somewhere deep inside, she cannot stop herself from dreaming for, hunger for, searching for the world as a better place for all. And yes she struggles,she struggles with where to position herself so that she is in the right place to find such a place in the world, or that she could beat reach for those in need. And yet, she would only make herself available to help, but never pushing forward to help as she believes the power should remain with the people. God, I pray that you will guide her on her journey of seeking and bringing hope and peace to herself and those she comes into contact with. God she knows she is not worthy to speak on your behalf but even if only to God your light, your hope and peace for others, may u grant her the opportunity to serve others so that u can answer people's prayers through her aa the instrument.