Saturday, May 26, 2007

Looking at the world differently

Last night, I was helping Aaron's mum Bridgid to "entertain" 14 students from the US that had come to South Africa to travel and do their practical for 8 weeks. We had a discussion group, Bridgid introduced the opening question "what is news worthy about today will you tell your grandchildren about your experience today in RSA?".

As they have visited the Freedom musemum and the constritutional cournt in joburg, alot of their experience related to their experience of visiting these places. We discussed about connecting sincererly with others in order to be human in spite of living in complete equality in such a diversed human race is not possible as the difference are very big. I couldn't help to think and wonder " is it really not possible? is peace really an ideology or a possible reality in the distant future?"

What had come out for me in this discussion was not about the students' experiences but the importantce to hold onto positive experiences and stories in our daily lives in order not to become depressed or negative about the world and mankind like I do alot in my writing on this blog page. It is clearly not helping me wanting to be positive while I continue to thinking too much about very little things.

I think today is a good day to start becoming more positive and records what positive expereince I have had in my daily life that was significant to me!

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