Tuesday, July 1, 2008

1.7.08: a day in Macau

1.7.08 a special festival in HK as it is the day that HK returned to China 11 years ago. And it is the first time that I am actually in HK when it is this time, however I have spent most of my day with my family in Macau for a one day tour......

A few of the very famous landmarks of Macau

These belongs to a old mansion of the Lu's family in Macau from the Ching Dynasty

These belongs to a street where they try to show the styles of the olden times of Macau as well as mixing a bit of a few famous buliding of the world:

View of Macau - the city

A look at the one million and one casino there exist is in Macau:

1 comment:

Apartment In Rondebosch said...

Wow, there are some incredibly beautiful architecture there!