Wednesday, May 13, 2009

天堂 by 光良

歌手:光良 作曲:光良 填詞:葛大為  編曲:吳慶隆

牽著你在天空飛翔 這樣看世界不一樣
Holding you and flying in the sky, in this way the world looks different
有了你在身旁笑的臉龐 世界或許就這麼寬廣
to have you smiling by my side, perhaps the world just became wider

*忽然就忘記了慌張 人海之中你最明亮
Suddenly forgotten about being anxious, you shine brightly in the sea of people
 無意間的影響 漸漸擴張 你豐富我生活感想
Unexpected influrence gradually speading you have enriched my feeling about life

#何必尋找所謂的天堂 原來我 因為你 不想再去流浪
Why go search for heave, because of you I no longer want to drift arond aimlessly
 情願平凡 不擁有一切也無妨 有了你 在心上 依然是天堂
rather be ordinary even if I dont have everyting, because of you in my heart, this is still heaven

Repeat *,#

何必尋找所謂的天堂 原來我 因為你 不想再去流浪
Why go search for heave, because of you I no longer want to drift arond aimlessly
情願平凡 不擁有一切也無妨 有了你 在心上 已經是 
rather be ordinary even if I dont have everyting, because of you in my heart, this is already heaven

This is an old song, but it really touches me. It just prove how love can make the most oringal satifying and extraorindary. So that we no longer need to go and search for heaven. As heaven, is right here, in the eyes of our lover. Gosh... it makes me miss Aaron as I listen to it.

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