Thursday, November 26, 2009

Occupational Therapy is a very spirited profession

Today I heard somebody saying that OTs are incredibly spiritual people - they hold on to something bigger because we can hardly identify completely with the purely 'simply magical powerful medicine' or 'science' or 'physiotherapy'.

I found this an interesting statement about OTs - we are about meaning, we want to help our clients do things that means to them. This make our pathways to health and wellbeing so different to other conventional health professionals - instead of 'intervening' to make them better, we believe in by doing and being in the basic everyday live activities and roles contributes to health. In fact, I think OTs find what is meaningful to themselves through helping others finding theirs in the everyday stuff.

What boggled my mind is this: if we are such a spiritual natured profession, why do we run from spirituality? Why is it that there are hardly anybody that is comfortable to just be in a therapeutic relationship with their client & feel their spirituality with them? Why are we afraid in challenging others (OTs, other HPs and clients) about the health giving and health damaging spiritual typed occupations?

OTs, you cannot run away from this mission that is yours!! You understand the link between meaning and spirituality as well as that with health, to be holistic in your work with the clients you have gotten; you got to deal with it!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

'This is it'

Micheal Jackson's 'this is it'

Although I am and had never been a great MJ fan, however somehow I felt the need to say goodbye. Perhaps it is for the memories in which I was 10 and saw him on a Chinese newspaper where I thought he was a she.

Watching MJ in his 'this is it', I thought to myself; this 'isn't' it through... MJ you can and will live on amongst your family, friends and fans - those who loved and still love you. This isn't it and you don't have to say goodbye to us so quickly.

I truely admired MJ's hardwork - the sense of everything must be perfection and nothing less. There isn't that many of us out there who love their work this much - that none but perfection will do. Besides, who can dance like that while singing, acting and telling others want to do with their instruments and dance steps at 50? I am half his age and I am out of breath just walking up the stairs.

MJ, you are truely remarkable - it is sad that people like me only realise your brilliance when you are gone... Wherever you are, may you be in peace.

PS I actually have this thought of MJ doing the thriller for real and rocking some after life party with real skeletons :D