Thursday, October 21, 2010

My grandparents

You raised me up so I can do anything. You raised me up, you make me strong so I can be more myself, more like the divine being that I thrive to be. And that gave me the courage to be brave and encouragous for others when I couldn't stand up for myself.

I miss you, I always will long for the day we would be reunited in spirit. You have made me more than I can be on my own. You believed in me when I didn't mysel.f I look forward to the day when someone else look up to me the way I will always look up to you.

Thank you for being my grandparents. I could not ask for better people to learn from. I learn from your perservernece, your courage, your love and sense of responsbility for your family and your hardworkingness.

You live forever, in me. You live forever.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What am I doing?

Today as I walked into the computer lab where I was intending to do my work, I met a familiar face. It is a face that belongs to a fellow postgraduate student that I have always fondly enjoy chatting about politics and macro issues in the region where we live.

During the lively chat, we spoke about poverty; we spoke about regional policies keeping people immobile and disadvantaged. I cannot help but be asking myself, what am I doing to help this situation? What can I do and what am I doing?

I am not doing anything, let's admit that. I feel guilty, I feel angry and I feel depressed and incapable of helping others in that situation. I am shocked and I am stunned. I ask this of myself, is it naive is it silly is it crazy to think I should be doing something about this? Am I out of my mind and why do I care so much?

Why should I stand up and how do I do this? It is painfully ironic when I wonder how much would my family care about the same thing. And how urge do they feel they should do something? I can almost hear them saying just do your job and don't get into trouble. But I feel like sometimes I have to get into trouble in order to do my job.

God, I pray that you would give me direction - direction that guide me in being able to make a difference how ever small individual me as a person. I find it really hard not to break when I think - gosh, why such injustice and inequality for my brothers and sisters from another mother and father? Why?

God, why?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Inspiring the therapist

It had been a remarkable day for me. I want to say that I am grateful for those whom I work with today. Today, they had taught me hope and perseverance. The hard works do pay off.

I had been working very hard with these particular two individuals. I am and had walked a long hard part of their journey back to life with them. One found work and the other doing so well that gave me the confidence that it will all be okay.

I want to capture this happy moment for myself. It was a remarkable feeling when relief came in a context of illness, poverty and being in a strange place. It was equally remarkable when our eyes met, you said everything without saying a word to tell me how you appreciated and acknowledged my involvement, my walking alongside with you to stand on your own again. It is hard to let go but it makes me proud to let you go and see you fly.

This, is truly inspiring; even for the therapist :)