Saturday, February 17, 2007

My work at work

Working in a medical ward

It has been really depressing to see the amounts of RVDs in the ward, just about everyone has it. And having it makes life much harder; they get illnesses they are not suppose to and present in a funny unusual way. And as a health professional, I felt helpless as I am unable to help, to improve the person's health. Yes I know I am not a doctor and it is hence not my job to fight with Death. However, it is my responsibility and what I find meaning to bring meaning, hope and joy in people's lives. The enemy I fight is not Death, but fear and despairs. They are harder enemies to fight than one can possibly imagine. Someone could be living died (emotionally numb) but when u die, u die..that's the end of battle. How can I possibly steal hope, meaning and joy from fear and despair when they are so powerful?

I know I havent really been writing about this, but it is tough to be health professional. it is tough and I would say it again; I have watched so many people dead and dying. I have to ask myself, is this normal for a sure to be 23 years old?

All I can say is that it is very tough at the moment, watching people losing their battle before the end of it. You can just sense it in their dim and dull eyes that asks " what future do I have?" and "who are you to stop me from dying, do I not even have the choice to die?"

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