Friday, April 24, 2009

A prayer for my motherland

God and Budha, I have a deep sense of fear today, now - sitting in my chair at home.
I pray that YOU will give my motherland the wisdom and courage to be a different kind of leader in the globe.
I pray that YOU will enlighten her people - for them to look in the eyes of their oppressors and who they oppress
And see all of them as human, just human, just like ourselves.

Lord, let us not forget what had been done to us;
And let us stop this cycle of oppression right here - with us;
Let us not do to others what we struggled against for!!!
For in many language, the common proverb exist about not doing harm to others that we do not wish upon ourselves.

God and Budha, how can we not see the power that is within us for destruction & construction!!!??
How can we not see what we are doing to others?
How dare us not see what is happening is what we experienced
And as a nation had been deeply traumatised by the very same experience we are responsible for others going through?

There is a saying in my motherland - all are brothers within the 4 seas of the world.
What does it say about who we are if this is the way we treat our brothers?
Are we better than those who had done it to us in history (or even continuing now)?

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