Monday, August 26, 2013

Preparing to fail is part of preparing to succeed

As I find myself at the same junction again doing the something I had done in the beginning of the year, I find myself standing still and mentally preparing how to fail gracefully. Through my recollection of what happened and how I felt, I say to myself this, 'yes it is very disappointing, very much a huge slap on the face by people who have little respect for you for reasons you don't understand. But look, I am still here, with a sore face that maybe slightly red, and 'I' have not been destroyed as I can still hold my head up. Hence I am prepared to say it more clearly and louder this time, should I fail, to the person whom many suspect holds the key as their approval is important: 'the loss is all yours for not picking me, because I am bigger than you. This has not and will never destroy me and I will rise again.' This is so not the last you will have seen of me. In fact, one day, you will beg me to go away. Nelson Mandela once said, "We should all bear in mind that the greatest glory of living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall" and I say Amen!! to this great hero in my life.

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