Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Life isn't fair, get used to it!!

One of Bill Gates's famous laws of living is "life isn't fair, get sure to it!!" I think I am tasting that big time at the moment. The reason I am saying this is because I have apparently failed my final exams and final project for a subject at school and hence even with a 70% yearmark I only deserves a mark that I resent!!

Life really isn't fair, isn't it? Yes, it is just that little bit you need. But sorry; nobody cares it is just that little bit you need; they will not feel sorry for you but inquire why u didn't get it. They care about your productivity/competence not what a nice person or passionate person you are about your job.

Get used to it? I am finding it hard right now with "get used to it". It shocks me how uncaring people could really be, despite I understand fully you cannot expect everyone like you (if you r that understanding person). Lord, I think I have every right to be angry right now. How hard have I tried? and How little have I missed it by once again? THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!!! Why do I work so hard and not get what I want ALL the time at the last mins? Which part of this particular life lesson have I failed to learn?!!?!? I am prepared to see that the fact I may have failed, but I am SO interested to see what went wrong? How can someone getting a A in june fail in november? I don't even want to go into the story of my life, about the stress I have on top of studying unlike others who do better than me. I dont want to even go there - life is unfair, so GET USED TO IT MY FRIEND!!

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