Sunday, November 26, 2006

Perhaps human being do not like to face up to struggles.

Reflection at a workshop in a conference that discussed healing the wounds of history by humanising individual across the oppressor vs. victim line:

So many choose the by-stander position, merely watch history unfold before them. When history becomes history, so few would revisit it. They say: "it's too painful, I don't want to talk about it". People, how do we learn from our mistakes by ignoring it? Do we not know the way out is to learn from it?? So you want to move forward, but how do you if you do not first examinate where you are standing and where you came from to understand what went wrong and hence choose the direction that will bring about "forward"???

Why individuals who try different and fresher approaches are attacked and pressed down?? Do these new ideas look like a sore in your identity with the past? They dont fit, do they?

A struggle is something that require determination to be worked through, not around or over!! But what was seen was individuals are unwilling to forgive and heal. You think you can hurt that people that you are not forgiving, you are wrong!! You are hurting yourself just as much! (The hand which beat hurt as much as the person it beat.)

Is it that perhaps human being don't like to face struggles or is it perhaps civilisation had require of us something impossible that we do not inhereitly have? (i.e. the will to stand by the harder way?)

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