Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Reflection on everyday life

Today I was having tea with an old couple that is moving back to HK next week, upon hearing how the mum hard sell her naughty children being good, innocent and excellent; I feel "wow, the love of a mother is truely amazing".

Further then that is, perhaps "love is (truely) blind"... Althrough Shakespeare referred to romantic love, I think parental/maternal love could also be the same too! I must admit, I do not think it is great to "hard sell" or overpraise one's children but protection is definitely in the job decription of a parent. May it seem wrong or stupid to others, I think this was a real and truely beautiful thing to be loved like that by ones that are important to us. You are a truely lucky son, Mr X.

May God bless the people on earth that love with love!

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