Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I am so fortunate/content!!

Hellooo Blog, it has been such a long while since I last wrote something on here. I was reading over what I wrote about previously and really started to say this within my heart that "I AM REALLY SO HAPPY, FORTUNATE AND CONTENT".

I am happy: I am happy for Natalie Du Toit when I saw the news about her getting to swim in the Olynamics 2008. I was so happy that I cried my eyes out when I saw the news!!! Nobody would believe me about the fact that she used to be a school friend of mine who sat next to me in biology classes. 3 cheers for Natalie!!! Natalie I am so so proud of you and you getting to swim in the Olynamics means alot to me. Not only because you were my friend but because what this means for people with disabilities/impairments when I think about this in my OT hat. No words can describe my joy and excitement on your news! :) Go go natalie, win some gold medals!!! You can do it!!

I am fortunate: despite I am under a lot of stress as a full time researcher at a major hospital in Cape Town for a NPO and studying part time masters and trying to get married in 2009, I can still say I am SO SO fortunate!! Just a week ago, I heard about someone else who's in my situation 10 times worse!! He is doing the same as me while paying off huge loan on two properties and raising a 8 months old baby and small family. Gosh~~ I shall never complain again in my life.

I am content: Through I am not somewhere in my life where I am happiest right now (esp in terms of work); I am happy that I have work and is able to support myself and husband-to-be while he's doing his full time PhD (oh yes, we are both nerds). Yes of course life can be better but hey; it's not so bad currently is it??

So thank you God (it's strange but I still call *you* God) for giving me the greatest skills to survive/adapt/enjoy life - positivity:)

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