Monday, June 29, 2009

Remembering a star in my journey of struggling and growing

It is late yet I am not sleeping... I cannot believe that you are gone...

If I say you are not someone significant in my life, I do not think I would be dishonest because I had only got a chance to see you more often in this last 6 months when I started being regular at this place I had met you since I was 14.

But yet you were there... you were there in my journey of struggling to become someone in a helping profession. You were one of the very first I had came to know and was hoping to help. You were there and you never changed - in fact you were more consistant and honest about your feelings, emotions and thinking than a lot of the people I had ever known - yet many ordinary people would be puzzled at why you were part of a beacon in my developing life.

I do not know if you ever realised how much knowing you added colour to my life. I do not know if you would ever know or notice. I hope that you never suffered the 'humanity' of the normal society - that you had remain untouched by the suffering and saddness that surrounds us. And I hope that you are in heaven now, in peace and with God.

Strangely and ironically, I even laugh at myself at this; I am going to miss your irritating greeting habits and style as I get to this place we used to see one another. I hated it but I am also going to miss it and miss you being in this place.

R.I.P. a star that shined upon me as I struggled - we will not be in a hurry to forget you...

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