Friday, December 2, 2011

Its been awhile but I'm not going away

If you think I have been gone forever and that you have got rid of me, you are are so wrong.

I know you have been saying no, go away, you are nt good enough. You don't fit in our system... But I will not give in until I hear you cry for mercy.singer people may say I'm being childish and immature in expecting a change in something so rigid, and I knower I am probably too but stillit doesn't mean I don't thrist for my revenge. Yes I'm human, sinfully so.

I'm thinking that perhaps I should trying give up yet I never know it can be so hard to do fact out is harder to give up than out is to hold on and just on and on. I'm thinking this is a calling to do something else quite differently. I wonder when will I have these courage to go places do things I have never done before, I shall look forward to that day when ishii can take that jump

It has been a while but I will not disappear our go away as you radish

It has ben

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I am grateful that we have met...

As I prepare for yet another interview tomorrow, I began thinking about those of you I have met while I was working in my last job in SA. I really feel grateful that I have met each of you. I still remember one of the last thing one of you said to me was 'Anita, you have done so much for us, you have no idea how you have change our lives. There is nobody else like you in this place.' I would say the same for all of you, that you have no idea how much you have changed my world.

To the anti-psy artist, I thank you for showing me strong belief in yourself and teaching me what true client centredness means,

To the ice cream man, I thank you for your laughter and your positivity despite you are in trouble, I so wished, still wish I could pull you out from the deep waters,

To the asylum seeker, your bravery, your endurance in hardship re-light a fire in my heart as I look back into my own history,

To the one in the wheelchair, thank you for giving me the opportunity to face up to my own fear of dying, suffering and being unloved,

To the one with the broken hand, you tested my patience and my sense of responsibilities, thank you for the opportunity that I could exceed my best,

To the enlighten car mechanic, I am sorry I couldn't stand up stronger for your spirituality,

To the cycling ex-solider lost in his own world, I am sorry I couldn't help find more justice in your world,

To the two who tried to swop pants in a psychotic disinhibited manner, thank you for showing me there's always another way to see the same thing in front of your eyes.

God thank you for putting them in my path, to show me what's important in life and beyond yourself. May I continue to be a message to some from YOU!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011






(from, 2011-4-28)

It is weirdly the childhood story that I am resonate with the most and I do not even know fully why this is. I do not particuarlly feel like I am the little girl but I could see her smiles and what she was seeing.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Now I look back at all the assignments I wrote for my Masters and I realised how much it was from within, the blood, the sweat and the tears...

As I prepare for the battle of my first job interview in the UK, I read over my assignments that I had completed in my Masters. And I realised, how much of what was in those thousands of words came from within. That energy, that sense of justice and anger or saddness were all real. They were part of me and it was all blood, sweat and tears. They were real, I meant what I said not just what somebody else famous or in the field said.

Perhaps, it frighten me how much I had been sitting in reflection since a long time ago. God, how can anyone spend so much time thinking? And if I think so much, how much or little am I doing in action? Perhaps what frighten me was also the passion and love I have within me for the world, the people and for life.

I realised that the very 'doing' of the Master was a personal journey of finding more about myself. What did I find, I wondered... I think I found passion, big love and bravery as well as the motivation that I want to make a change in the world even if it comes at a cost to me. But I also found someone who thinks alot, an exceptionally a lot who lack that brainless action that others are engaging with.

Although now that I had just finished my masters, I have no idea how I will be using the skills. But I am looking forward to it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011




她對我說﹕「Anita, 你有一份不怕苦的用心,妳從不計較把自己的地位降低了。只要你認為好的,你就勇往直前,那怕你要做的事不配你的身份和地位。」 (You do not mind getting your hands dirty and getting down to get the work done.)


我希望我永遠記住這番勵志的話。今天我看到了一顆細少但光亮的鑽石,即使在暗淡無光的地方,它一样發光。我有了一奇特的想法 一 我也要像它,就算我是渺少,我都要在黑夜裡自信地發光照亮他人的生命。」