Sunday, December 31, 2006

First Day Away from Home

After a long long 2 days drive from Cape Town, I finally arrived at Witbank Mpumanlanga. This marks the end of my study years and the beginning of a journey of middle adulthood. This is a scary and exciting time of myself.

Something really interesting to realise--- how I missed home on the first night away from it in Bloemfontein. I guess I will just have to get use to it one day at a time, bit by bit. I am sure that I will get to truely enjoy the freedom of 2007 working in Witbank :D

Here's to myself, to 2007~!!! Happy new year :D~!!
Keep u all updated..hehe

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The blind spot in everyone's heart

It is a scary thing but I bet it is a fact, there is a blind spot in everyone's heart. What you hate about the person you hate is probably what you don't like about yourself. It is pretty scary:( The Johnny's story is still deeply impacting me, it allows me to see I could be just as blinded.

I wonder, if what you do not like about other person is what you dont like about yourself; does it also applies to what you like about other people? I hope this is possible even through there is so so little love in this world... so little that we always seems to find it easier to judge or criticise than to complement and praise.

I truely hope that is true.. there is a small hole for love to transfer from one person to the next.....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Just a thought on to be or not to be proud...

Couple days ago, I heard someone complaining about how proud a certain human being was (let's say we call him Johnny at the moment). Johnny has an income of over 30000 a month and he was so proud about this that he looks down on the complainer and others.

I took it in Johnny's angle and realise how he can be & should be proud of himself. To earn 30000 a month is something to be proud of (yes although this is very materialistic), he has the right to be proud I guess which is the positive I saw in Johnny despite the complainer's dislike of him. I thought to myself, Johnny has the perfect rights to be proud yet it is his decision to be or not to be proud...

I think, the moral of the story here; is ultimately we do not and have not got the right to judge. And I dare say, I don't think even God has the right to judge someone like Johnny...!!? What in heaven/hell is wrong with being pleased with your achievements? Was God not pleased with his creation before he rested on the 7th day? So, as heavenly as God was also proud about his achievement; who exactly are we to judge?! If we want to judge, let not judge Johnny alone but think about ourselves and possible even God?!

Why do we, human beings like to punish each other and ourselves with jealousy, proud & self doubts? The person who seems to prevent ourselves from happiness and paradise is clearly the image of ourselves. Next time, when you meet little Johnny in your life journey, do be kind and a little more thoughtful because Johnny is a happy guy on earth. What evil would we be commit to stop another person from being just that.... happy?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Life isn't fair, get used to it!!

One of Bill Gates's famous laws of living is "life isn't fair, get sure to it!!" I think I am tasting that big time at the moment. The reason I am saying this is because I have apparently failed my final exams and final project for a subject at school and hence even with a 70% yearmark I only deserves a mark that I resent!!

Life really isn't fair, isn't it? Yes, it is just that little bit you need. But sorry; nobody cares it is just that little bit you need; they will not feel sorry for you but inquire why u didn't get it. They care about your productivity/competence not what a nice person or passionate person you are about your job.

Get used to it? I am finding it hard right now with "get used to it". It shocks me how uncaring people could really be, despite I understand fully you cannot expect everyone like you (if you r that understanding person). Lord, I think I have every right to be angry right now. How hard have I tried? and How little have I missed it by once again? THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!!! Why do I work so hard and not get what I want ALL the time at the last mins? Which part of this particular life lesson have I failed to learn?!!?!? I am prepared to see that the fact I may have failed, but I am SO interested to see what went wrong? How can someone getting a A in june fail in november? I don't even want to go into the story of my life, about the stress I have on top of studying unlike others who do better than me. I dont want to even go there - life is unfair, so GET USED TO IT MY FRIEND!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Perhaps human being do not like to face up to struggles.

Reflection at a workshop in a conference that discussed healing the wounds of history by humanising individual across the oppressor vs. victim line:

So many choose the by-stander position, merely watch history unfold before them. When history becomes history, so few would revisit it. They say: "it's too painful, I don't want to talk about it". People, how do we learn from our mistakes by ignoring it? Do we not know the way out is to learn from it?? So you want to move forward, but how do you if you do not first examinate where you are standing and where you came from to understand what went wrong and hence choose the direction that will bring about "forward"???

Why individuals who try different and fresher approaches are attacked and pressed down?? Do these new ideas look like a sore in your identity with the past? They dont fit, do they?

A struggle is something that require determination to be worked through, not around or over!! But what was seen was individuals are unwilling to forgive and heal. You think you can hurt that people that you are not forgiving, you are wrong!! You are hurting yourself just as much! (The hand which beat hurt as much as the person it beat.)

Is it that perhaps human being don't like to face struggles or is it perhaps civilisation had require of us something impossible that we do not inhereitly have? (i.e. the will to stand by the harder way?)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Reflection on everyday life

Today I was having tea with an old couple that is moving back to HK next week, upon hearing how the mum hard sell her naughty children being good, innocent and excellent; I feel "wow, the love of a mother is truely amazing".

Further then that is, perhaps "love is (truely) blind"... Althrough Shakespeare referred to romantic love, I think parental/maternal love could also be the same too! I must admit, I do not think it is great to "hard sell" or overpraise one's children but protection is definitely in the job decription of a parent. May it seem wrong or stupid to others, I think this was a real and truely beautiful thing to be loved like that by ones that are important to us. You are a truely lucky son, Mr X.

May God bless the people on earth that love with love!


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