Sunday, June 22, 2008

Goldfish street & Golden Coast 22.6.08

Contiue with our trip in HK

Tony, mum, Aunty Maggie and I went to the Goldfish street and Golden Coast yesterday. There is a lot to write about coming out from a day:)

1. Goldfish Street
Let's see some pictures:

Through the trip was more intersting for Tony, however I saw a few interesting things as well. The highlight of this trip was the "swelly tofu" for me. We bought some at the end of the Goldfish street at a tiny snack shop on the side of the road. You can see lots and lots of people coming to buy some "fish eggs", "swelly tofu" etc and eating in right there while standing on the side of the street. These little snacks are the favourites of many people in HK. It used to be available on mobile trolley on streets. People didn't have to pay very expensive rent for a store to have these mobile trolley, however when the policemen come, they have to run for their lives or face the jail. This reflects change in hk in the 10 years that I have been elsewhere. The change of little self run businesses on the side of the streets to more standardised modern business of material kind. It sadden me in a way that it almost killed the HK that many people in hk knew. Perhaps they willn't see this as a bad thing like I do as I appear to miss it more. It is sad to see an oldern part of our culture to get blow away from our lifes today.

2. Golden Coast
Let's first see some pictures

We went to a indian resturant in the Golden Coast by the sea today. The meal wasn't special, however it wasn't as special as the wine we drank that night. It was a bottle of 1997 white wine that I found within the cupboards of my grandmother's at her old house. I think, for others; it may not seem special, however for a sensitive person like me, I show the significance of it so BIG in front of me.

I felt like she was there with us, my grandparents and my greataunt were there having the family meal with us. That was so so special. It felt like, through the wine; there was a bridge that connected me as an alive person with the dead.

Grandma, Grandpa and greataunt; how much do I miss you??? I miss you alot, everyday and every night......

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