Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back in HK Day 3

It's strange to think that I haven't been back to my home country for so so so long. In 10 years, HK really seemed to have changed. Everything that were familiar to me seemed changed and I would only recognised them as I look closely.

Through something doesn't change, family that are still there.... The materialism that goes around in HK. However, there is a difference to it - how some girls really dresses up as they walk in the shopping malls in their make up (they look very young, like 15-18). Maybe I am silly but I never expected people to be like this.

Another thing that seemed very interesting: salesman just wouldn't leave you alone vs. very rude waiters in resturant vs. "dont care about much" attitude of the general public in hk that just walk pass a poor drunk guy that my brother and I helped getting out of a fence. (it was a bit of a funny scene: he fell and ended up, in prone with his knees forced into flexion in the gaps between the bars of thefence that fell on top of him as it became unstable when he was trying to balance himself while feeling drunk). He thanked us a million times afterwards, shouting thank you down the street after we left. I kind of felt really sorry for him.

Anyways, I better go now. Till next time; folks!!

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