Today we went to three different places that we didn't achieved much.
1) The goldfish plaza: where Tony went to see goldfish and koi fish stuff, however it was hopelessly small.
2) Dr Tsaung's store (pity i didn't take any photos of the guy): so that my mum can buy some very special stuff he invented for removing marks on clothes that are very very affective. Unfortunately, the last items of this goods were already booked and it is not being made anymore as the couple who used to make them had passed away and the 2nd generation is not making them anymore. However, it is so so special to see Dr Tung face to face as he used to be on TV that my parents' generation watch as kids where he will show housewives many tricks how to make their domestic work easily with his knowledge in chemistry. I have never met him when I was living in HK for all those years, so it really is the highlight of the day!! To meet an oldern days' celebrity face to face:)
3) $10 city in hk: so that tony can buy a koi kite looking orament that blows in the wind. However, once again; they didn't stock it either. It really was a bit of a funny day. I seemed to be the one that won today as I got two short shorts today.
Lastly, we went to pizza hut to eat. So I took some two photos of the food we were eating there:
I finally made contact with my one and only friend in hk, a school friend that I had only knew for 6 months face to face in high school here. I am excited to meet her on Saturady, yeah!!
1 comment:
Its a pity that in both shops they did not have stock of what you were looking for. Meeting mr Tsung sounds warming, it must have brought you back to old times when you lived there.
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