Sunday, June 29, 2008

Revisiting the graves of my relatives after 10 years


It was a rainy day today, which is kind of suitable for the mood I was in before I even got there. I found it the most strange that I was blinking tears as I participate in the preparing and yet when I was there: no tears came, I was brave and faced with the reality which felt so foreign
I found the preparation very interesting, it reflects so much about modern living (they sell paper mobile phones, electronic cards, hi-fi etc for burning to offer to the deceased) as well as about culture and the pscyhology of the living. I saw many of the items and papers had 'lucky' words written on it e.g. "turning luck for the better" "the higher spirit solving our suffering" and "wishing all to go smoothly and according to our wish".

Here's the stuff we bought in preparation:

Here's the view from the middle section before we reached where my deceased family was:

Here's some action of offering:

Stopping off at the Shatin's Inn, a hot spot for people of my mum's generation - my mum and uncle has been there before. We were there for lunch (I had draught beer & Sketers)

We visted a koi 'farm' and the wishing tree after lunch, a tours of new territories only ended at 18h00. By the time we go to eat sushi at a sushi shop in Tuen Mun I was too tired to take more photos:)

1 comment:

Apartment In Rondebosch said...

The place where your (and also my) grand parents and great aunt are buried looks so beautiful and lively.