Thursday, June 26, 2008

What will I write today? 26.6.08

I didn't go out today (except for 20mins down the road to a fresh market with my mum to buy food to cook for supper).

I had a pretty uneventful day. I think the only thing that worth mentioning was that I went down to a common leisure place where I tried to work for an hour while 3 kids scream and shout as they play shooting games on pc's next to me.

It was interesting to chat with them. I love the fact that kids are so easy to talk to. As the old fossil that I think I am becoming with computer technologies, I had to ask the kids for help on the passwords for getting into the computer. It was very cute of them that they all wanted to help me. The funniest was one of them commented on the fact that I seemed to type very fast and kept looking at me type as I chat with Aaron online. A bit nosy I would say, however very cute:)

It is an image that saddens me when I ask myself in my mind - but.. where is the parents of the kids? These kids are playing unsupervised and there is no parents' participation in their playing life?? How on earth does that work? It saddens me in the background of hearing someone who's close to me is becoming rebellious (in the eyes of adults) while unable/unwilling to communicate with them. I am anxious for these kids whom are the boss of drug rehabs!!!

I have heard God blesses American and Africa, how about China?

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