Friday, August 1, 2008

How to be a mindful activist with and for people with disability?

How to be a mindful activist with and for people with disability?

This is the question that is biggest for me having gone through both exciting and stimulating lectures of rehabilitation and health economics & management. I felt that there were two very somewhat contrasting message stemming from each of them. From rehab, it is “we must fight for the rights of people with disabilities through activism” while in management; it is “be understanding and mindful in your own position (we were talking about being a manager)”. These two voices had been fighting in my mind, to be an activist or to be a mindful therapist; my answer is to be a mindful activist (perhaps cos’ I like to be as compassing as possible of everything and everyone).

I don’t have an answer to this question and I don’t except to have an answer ever. The only hope I have is to have sound multiple guess at what the answer may be in my life.

I find it difficult in knowing there is a call for therapist to be more an advocate and more an activist but are we equip to be one and should all therapists become activists? Then who will do the therapy?

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