Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I call upon you for strength!! My teacher my patient

Hellooo Mr MN

Today I call upon you for strength, my teacher... my patient. We worked together for 2 months fighting every moment of the remaining time of your life in the ward. I can never forget you.

As I am about to go for an interview to be a surgical OT at a very exciting setting tomorow, I cannot help it but to think of you because the nature of my work there would be similar to what I did with you. So I call upon you for strength and wisdoms. That so I may answer wisely and truely to the fullest of my abilities. And to apply what I have learnt from working with you in my answers tomorow.

It is not an easy area (or the most natural perhaps) for me to work as an OT in a surgical setting but I like it. I think I like the challenge of struggling with what I do not know how to do or handle even through I stress and scream and cry about it all the time. But I smile when I have achieve it and earn that knowledge. And I like it more now because of you, because of what you had taught me...those most valuable lessons of life as a person and as a therapist.

So give me the strength to be me as a therapist, may I be ever true to myself in my personal and professional life. Wish me luck for tomorow!!

1 comment:

Traveler in life said...

The interview didn't go so well today actually, as the questions were tough and I didn't know the answers for sure. I felt embarrassed and frustrated. I just wish them can see the person I am behind all that silliness that I seems to be having. I wish they saw the fighting spirit in me. That spirit of mine that consistently throw myself at what I know I am weak at and be better at it all the time!!

I had never felt as much joy from getting one correct answer:) I felt like that at least I got my dignity back from it!!