Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today I found the simpliest form of happiness in hk

With the No. 8 Tynoon in hk today, I stayed at home for the marjority of the time today. Most of it, I was watching TV, being online and reading; however at about 6h30 my older uncle and aunty, mum, tony and I went to the local market down the road from us to do a walk about:) And guess what I found??? I found happiness in the simpliest paper wrapped cake at a bakery:)This is what it looks like...

My uncle was telling how it is very hard to afind them anymore as the shops move to make the more complicated ones to attract the hearts of the forever chainging people in hk. When I found the last one on the shelf there on its own after trying to find it in two previous shops, I felt like I was the happiest girl in the world. It wasn't the fact that I could buy my happiness at the cost of HKD$6 that made me happy. It is the memory I re-experienced as I discover the last paper wrapped cake on the shelf; I suddenly returned to the little curious girl who is content with everything around her, who experience everything with great joy and is able to truely feel what is important in life - that was happiness to me!! It really was the greatest feeling in the world I felt, as if I was on top of the world despite or inspite of whatever challenges and difficulties I could be facing at that moment in time in my life! I want to capture this on my blog and keep this treasurable priceless feeling within my heart forever:)

The other item of food that had fulfilled my happiness today was a coconut drink:)It is also something I used to eat alot in the hot hot summer in HK, it also brought back some great memories

This time being back in HK, after 10 years; I want to capture all the old stuff that used to be around in my times when I was a kid which is being getting rid of. I want to capture them before they displace through the gaps of time and before others will feel sad about losing them and wishing they still had what these different things represented to them.

Tomorow, I should continue to reexperience my childhood as an adult through my walking about in HK and taking photos of whatever that is old. Till tomorow, folks!!

1 comment:

Apartment In Rondebosch said...

Wow, how fun! Food is such an important part of our lives :)